RISE Conference SUCCESS!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


RISE Conference was a complete success, even though we had some technical difficulties and entertainment scares, everything came out smooth and we finished with a bang! I didn't talk to anyone who was did not like the conference or didn't learn anything from it. Everyone seemed so excited that they were able to meet new people, and learned new things about Asian Americans that will help empower themselves for a long time to come. The entertainments were absolutely stunning! I don't know if it's the size of the ballroom or just that we are amazing at picking the entertainers, but everything was just so damn explosive. Even the staff working there stopped and watched the performances. Everyone's eyes and attention were glued to the amazingness. By the end, I noticed that people are coming in from the streets just to see this. Yeah, I was about to jizz in my pants.

It's hard not to be excited when you know you are making a positive impact on other people's lives. And especially when you know that you yourself are influencing them. These five months of work (literally) Have paid off. There's nothing more than I would expect. And we are getting a lot of people interested in our organization and are applying for positions. This is a sign, that we are bound to expand and succeed. Next year, we are going to include some schools from our neighboring states. No joke.

I have a bio test tomorrow that I have no started studying for yet. I also have a paper draft due, and tons of emails to reply. I would say FML but I'm still all giddy inside like a 10 yr old girl having a crush on a boyband bitchboy. Can someone lend me 72 hours to catch up on all my work? I will pay them back with interest, I swear.