God? Pt.1

Saturday, June 12, 2010

So let's say that there is a God, s/he/it (for simplicity sake, I'm gonna write he) did in fact create animals, plants, humans, Earth, the solar system, our universe, and other Galaxies. He is this omnipotent being that is able to be, and is, everything we can ever imagine. I don't see why he can't exist...

I also believe in evolution, but if you think about it, that doesn't really interfere with the belief that there is a God. The laws of the universe he created allowed for life to happen and evolve into more intelligent beings over time, the universe is big enough for different types of life to happen simultaneously and independently from each other. Intelligence leads to discovery of new information about the universe that God created. This new information comes with advancement of technology, and also, a necessity for our species to evolve our thinking and maturity in order to handle this new information. For example, if nuclear technology was discovered back in the medieval times, the amount of human ego and lack of maturity would surely have sent all of our ancestor's asses to hell.

This also ties to the popular question of why God does not interfere with the deaths of the innocent and helpless. With war and disease comes the push for the discovery of new technology, with tragedies come new human understanding and future prevention of such incidents. It's not that God does not care about you, well... in a way he doesn't, but it's about the survival of our species, divine intervention will ruin the test that God has given to each intelligent being - which is to evolve as a society and ultimately understand the rules of the universe that he's created. Since the advancement of knowledge also comes with the evolution of human morality and responsibility, it ensures that our specie is mature enough to handle the information, if we're not, we end up destroying ourselves with that knowledge. In a way, it's a test to see which specie is worthy enough to get to "Heaven".

I don't agree with how most people in this world has interpreted God and refuse to evolve their thinking to believe that the course of human society and our survival is the product of God's intentions. It doesn't make sense to me why we have to live the way that humans did thousands of years ago. We cannot stop our evolution, so why can't we evolve our thinking and advance from the original starting point that our ancestors set? To be fair, if we really want to stick to our roots, we should revert back to hunter-gatherers, it's a lot better for the Earth, and we can stay at our current information level without change until our species perish from the explosion of the sun. But if we are to become more and more advanced, which I assume we can't stop now, we need to also advance the code of morals that we set for ourselves, so we're not handling 21st century information with morals and lifestyles of our ancestors. After all, back then, our lives were determined by the elements. Now, we could all die by the push of a button.


  • Anonymous says:
    June 15, 2010 at 6:18 PM

    Nicely put. I remember going over something like this in philosophy class too! It does make sense in a way.

    As for reverting back to the hunter-gatherers system, life would probably be too mundane when it comes to our own day to day survival. (Yup, increased productivity AND laziness!)

    Another thought: with the existence of collective intelligence (as provided by the internet and the increasing vast use of recordable technology) could we inevitably become an aggregated into an "all knowing, all powerful" being? (a little more background: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_intelligence#Digital_media)

  • Anonymous says:
    June 15, 2010 at 6:20 PM

    > typo "become aggregated"