It's good to be wrong sometimes.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I've been wanting to post an entry many times in the past few weeks but I would always start with something but can't finish. A lot has been going through my head and I've been keeping a lot of it to myself because I feel that is where it belongs the most. But that's all in the past now, and I can finally give myself peace at mind.

But here's something interesting that happened last night. As Cindy, Yao, Ben, Lan, and I were talking outside of Brunswick Zone. some white guy walked past us and starts yelling "Popsicles!". Yao, being spontaneous, yelled that he likes Popsicle also. The white guy yells back wanting to know if he could have a Popsicle from us. Yao replied back no, and the white guy yelled Fucking Asians, and him and his friends got into their cars and sped off. We brushed him off as being just a dumb, ignorant teenager. 5 minutes later, a guy smoking a cigarette and have obviously been drinking comes walking toward us and starts asking our age, and started a conversation with us. During the conversation it's obvious that he is kind of depressed about his life, as his son is gay and married to another guy. He also claimed that his wife is a whore and has a vagina the size of his two hands. He also mentioned many times that he wants to kill them when they're asleep in the beginning so it made him look really shady, and I was debating on whether he's being funny or if he's actually potentially dangerous. The conversation ended with him going back to his game inside the Brunswick zone. But then I realized something weird, the whole time I was expecting him to say some comment regarding Asia because all of us are Asian. Maybe he would try to tell us how much he likes Asian food, or how he thinks Asian girls are hot, or ask us some question about a country in Asia. But nothing, he talked to us like we're just regular people. I was wrong to prejudge what his words were gonna be based on his physical appearance, I like that =)


  • Anonymous says:
    June 1, 2009 at 2:22 PM

    The drunk guy was gay, married to a guy in Cali before they passed prop 8, and had his son by his ex-wife.

    Drunk, but not depressed...perhaps a bit angry at homophobic society. I could imagine him being potentially dangerous, but not in a racist way.

    Though after his comment about you and Ben not talking much, and his comments to Yao about why Yao isn't into guys, I kinda got the feeling he was scoping out the scene for his son.

    0__o Weird night, all in all...