We're Fated to Pretend

Sunday, August 15, 2010

School is going to start soon. It will be my last year as an undergrad, while my past had been mapped out for me to follow. The map will end soon, and I will have to trail blaze until the end of my destination. What will I do? What will I become? The uncertainty makes me feel like a toddler again, wondering what the first day of kindergarten will be like, if my teachers will be nice, whether the other kids will like me and be my friends.

Half of the people I know are becoming successful, getting into med schools, becoming lawyers, while the other half are stuck waiting tables and running away to other countries in the name of travelling. Which path will I take? I only have this one life, I won't allow it to go to waste. If only I could look into the future...

In any case, officially moving back to Boulder tomorrow for the last year. I want to experience all the things that I still haven't gotten the chance to experience, let's do this one right.

This is our decision - To live fast and die young.
We got the vision, now let's have some fun.


  • Anonymous says:
    August 16, 2010 at 7:36 PM

    I've got a little more time than you, but I also have the same sentiments and have been thinking a lot about my future too. I guess the exciting part is being unsure about what exactly will happen. Let's make the most of the time we have right now and things will happen as they are meant to be. At least that's what I tell myself.