On another note, I really think parents now a days are raising the next generation of pussies. Kids don't have to do anything now a days. I use to see kids pushing lawnmowers and making lemonade stands all the time, doing some honest work for some honest money. It was fun to have water gun fights outside with the neighborhood kids. Now I see none of that, everyone is inside playing their xbox. and parents have probably sued people in water gun fights for their child's feeling getting hurt by getting squirted in the face or something... It's amazing how much the world has changed in the past few decades. 70 years ago in NanJing, China. countless toddlers were bayoneted and tossed into a pile. Kids watched as their mothers and sister get raped and their fathers and brothers dragged away and murdered in unimaginable ways. At the same time, Germany was on a rampage of trying to extinct entire populations in the most inhumane ways. 40 years ago, in Vietnam, kids are put in war to murder in cold blood. They watched as napalm drops on them like rain from the sky. Scorching the forest and their fellow companions. Even now, in Iraq, in Uganda, kids are put into armies to kill, as they watch their friends slowly die out in combat, they wake up every morning wondering if they will ever wake up again the next day. I wonder if they know that there are kids who are the same age as them are in their comfortable homes half way around the world who're fussing over why the xbox live isn't working.
I'm not saying we should put our kids in a war or force them to punch each other in the face (but that would be hilarious). But they do need to be shown just how lucky they are and why they should appreciate everything they have. Stop bitching about how much your life sucks, get educated and do something with your life that you can be proud of.

This is why you're my favorite person, ever.