It's not advancing our thinking in the same linear line that makes us grow, it's constantly falling out of our comfort zone and suddenly become surrounded by unfamiliarity and discomfort that truly makes us think in different ways, better ways. Our biggest problems can be solved by stepping out of our comfort zones and take a different approach to things. If we've been running into the same problems over and over again and it can't be solved by using our old way of thinking, why not try something different for once?

or when you see something, realize that you see it through biased lenses. i think realizing that you have that front/bias/comfort zone is a good step to seeing beyond it.
=) nice thoughts. this post was a delicious breakfast of words (i think it's the first time i've read one of your blog posts in the morning; it's quite refreshing).
Nothing like a good dose of Vitamin N to start your day. =)