Half n Half

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Take a moment to stop your day, sit under the shade and read a book, smell the grass and watch the sun go down, as it leaves it's imprint on the clouds of canvases above. I realize that only simplicity can make me happy.

What people portray themselves to others will always deviate from their private selves. You portray yourselves to everyone else as someone greater than you actually are, everyone does it. Everyone wants to be liked.

Which is why when reading a piece of personal writing or hearing a rant from someone, I never take what they have to say to be the absolute honest truth. All the small changes in details add up and can eventually change the story, most of the time it's really not either side's fault, and 100% of the time, the damage is from both sides. I've learned to shrink my circle of care to only those who are close around me, I've learned to become a more private person for sanity's sake.

What a person want in life, at that certain point in life, is all up to the person. No one has the power to change your decision. But also realize that this is not a perfect world and every decisions has it's consequences, because the decisions you make will ultimately cause changes in other people's lives and affect their decisions as well. This ripple affect is a never ending cycle of joy, pain, happiness, and sadness that we experience everyday. Funny enough, the more emotions I experience, the more I become numb to them, the more in tune with reality I become. After all, whatever doesn't kill me will only make me stronger.

Don't regret your decisions, but know that there are some things in life that you can't change once the change is made.

"Some people think that it's holding on that makes one strong. In reality, it's letting go." - MD


  • Anonymous says:
    August 12, 2009 at 12:28 PM

    It's like you read my mind/blog. Lol.