Question of the day

Monday, September 28, 2009


Should you change yourself to fulfill your dreams? Or should you always be yourself and give up on dreams?

Please don't give me bullshit answers like "YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE YOURSELF AND ALL YOUR DREAMS WILL COME TRUE!!!!!!"
let's be real here, we're not in 5th grade anymore.


  • Anonymous says:
    September 28, 2009 at 12:46 AM

    I don't really understand your question, why can't you be yourself while fulfilling your dreams? If your dreams are YOUR dreams, they have to be a reflection of who you are right? If you were to change yourself to fulfill your dreams, in the end they would no longer be your dreams, but someone else's. Why would you have to give up your on your dreams while you are yourself? Your dreams would just manifest into different dreams, perhaps...

    This is my mindless rambling at a time of night when I'm supposed to be sleeping. Please excuse any hint of stupidity and elevated confusion.

  • Unknown says:
    September 30, 2009 at 6:09 PM

    let me know when you figure that one out, seriously.

    although imo it's very case-by-case. i think there's always a bit of a much, though, depends on the disparity between the two and the degree of how much you want it.

    good luck nick. <3