Pig Aids =(

Thursday, October 15, 2009

So I am at home in Highlands Ranch right now, I've been sick since Tuesday afternoon, my guess is that I got it from Molly's sneeze during writing class.

The reason why I suspect that it is the swine flu is because it feels different than other times when I got the flu. My whole head hurts, my eyes feel like they're about to explode, I'm not coughing a lot or have a severe runny nose but I feel more discombobulated(spelling?) I still haven't thrown up yet or have respiratory problems, but I'm not waiting until that point to get myself checked. I slept all day today, which may explain why I am not passed out on my bed dreaming about world domination with my pet wolf.

I attempted sleep 2 hours ago after my mom force-fed me chicken noodle soup, 2 bottles of water, and medicinal roots (Ban Lan Geng). Oh the joy of having parents. Anyways, I couldn't sleep, and kind of just had random thoughts floating through my mind. For one, this swine flu isn't that big of a deal to me because I know that I can easily be cured by next week at the latest. But imagine having to die from this puny disease like so many have in countries that can't afford health care, is it fair that their life is so much more expendable than mine? I've only begun to feel it's effects and I am complaining like a little bitch. I can't imagine the suffering they must have gone through on their last breaths... Life is so fragile, and that made me think of my uncle who passed away. It is fair to say that he didn't receive the proper medication and education about depression, what it is and how you are suppose to treat it. Sometimes it's easy to dismiss the deaths of millions because you didn't know them personally. But after knowing someone heart to heart, knowing that he had a vibrant personality, just as much as you and I... makes it so much harder to accept the fragility of life... fucking swine flu.


  • Unknown says:
    October 15, 2009 at 6:30 PM

    that picture kind of squicks me out...but I hope you feel better soon, Nick! =(