
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

American television and advertisement has taught me the intricate code of what a man is suppose to be. Everything from the way we're suppose to dress, to the way we speak. What a heterosexual male can do is confined to a small margin of categories, a person stepping out of those boundaries may very well receive unwanted assumptions from strangers and sneering comments from peers questioning your sexuality.

By this point, I'm 137.765% sure I like vaginas, no doubt about that. I wonder sometimes though, if I didn't know those codes and was just put on this Earth to live for a day, would the things I do still make me look like a heterosexual guy by others standards? If one day this unknowing Nick wore a v-neck because it's a comfortable shirt, listened to Brittney Spears because she's catchy, and flipped through Cosmo because of a hot girl on the front page. Would people see me and go "Yea he likes cock"? How did those traits ever become associated with a person's sexuality?

Today as I was walking to meet a friend, I saw from a distance a couple holding hands. From their timid movement, dyed and highly styled hair, artsy vintage clothes with colors worthy of a new Crayola name, skin tight jeans, and ghost white complexion, I drew my conclusion - A pair of fobs, not just any fobs, lesbian fobs! I was excited for a moment because I have never seen such a thing before, could it be that Asians are becoming more open to their sexuality? As I walked closer, I was sorely disappointed. It was a guy and a girl. The guy just happened to look and dress very differently from the American norm for a heterosexual male. I don't know what I'm more disappointed from, the fact that I jumped too quickly to conclusions (again) about people I've never met before. Or that he can pass off looking like a geisha and still get a cute girl like that.

All kidding aside, I really do think that the social construction of sexuality is all just bullshit. If I am really sure that I am a heterosexual male, then even if I'm wearing a dress, I am still a straight man, I still like women. So what if the fob guy was dressed too flamboyant? So what if it looks like my 9 year old sister could beat him up? Pieces of cloth do not dictate (haha pun...) who you are attracted to, only your dick knows.