"By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection, which is noblest;
Second, by imitation, which is easiest;
and third by experience, which is the bitterest."
I am dumb and need all three of these to get some wisdom, so this is my reflection part.
Reflection is actually the name of the song I was listening to when I wrote the first entry 3 months ago. That is how I usually pick the titles for my entries, hence why they don't make sense at times. Anyways, I think it is good to do some reflection every now and then, to assess where I am at and what I have learned.
Shadowed Josh again at Boulder Community, it was much smoother this time compare to last time. Josh is way too chill to be a regular doctor, he's more like a drinking buddy. He sees the world in a realistic view and always makes sarcastic comments about the way the system works. We had lunch provided by the cafeteria for free, and I'm a poor college kid who will attend any event to get free food, especially food not made with pizza ingredients. So I was ecstatic. Apparently doctors used to get steaks and shrimp in the break room, but thanks to the health reform and hospitals trying to increase revenue, all that has been cut out. Josh and other doctors in the room then continued on to reminiscent about the good old days... similar to an episode of scrubs but with dry humor... like flaming sponge in the desert kind of dry... Just kidding. I'm glad that he's chill, it was more than a relief for me, but also kind of caught me off guard. Here I was, psyching myself up for a gun-ho speech about how it is such a noble and selfless job to save humanity in case anyone asks why I want to be a doctor. Then there's Josh going around telling everyone that he's trying to scare me out of this profession. At the end of the day, no one cared why I want to do this, not everyone has to believe in a fairy tale. I felt like such a n00b... but I guess that's always the process. I did manage to impress him by noticing subtle symptoms in a patient that ended up being a pretty significant indicator of his alcoholism. Score, he thinks I'm smart. Now I can make it to med school, be a doctor, and eat shitty curry made in the hospital cafeteria, hooray... Look, I can make dry sarcastic comments too, do I fit in yet?
Doing better in school compare to last semester. Got a B in Neuropharmacology, I would like to thank all the Indians that I got notes from for not failing that class. I never actually wrote non-stop for a 2 1/2 hours final and still didn't finish. But man did I learn a crap ton about the brain and drugs. For Neuroscience, I got the full score on the final, but I am still a few points off from getting an A in the class because I screwed up one of the tests. I need to talk to him about raising my grade... I also did most of the work on the presentation in class. I think I have a pretty convincing case, right?
Road Trip to San Diego for spring break in March, hopefully paid for by the scholarship I applied to. Going to DC in April for DO day on Capital hill and a conference that follows. Squeeze in graduation and MCAT in May. Going to China in June to travel around and see relatives. Sounds busy, but fun! I fucking love traveling, suck on that Colorado, I'm going to leave your ass for a bit. Can' wait.
And you, so glad I made the decision to take that class this semester, I wouldn't have met you if I didn't decide to step out of my major. Although we don't know where we're going yet. I know that we are going to have a lot of fun in the future.
Life comes in sine waves. Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down. When you're up you feel invincible, when you're down you feel like you're never going to see the light of day. I think it's important that we try our hardest to get back up again, it's so easy to get stuck at the low end, as the universe tend to want to be at the lowest state possible. If you lose your motive to fight to be the best that you can be, then what is the point of having a life at all? All those things we dream about, wealth, status, profession, family, happiness, whatever it may be, all needs us to put forth our sincerest efforts to make them into a part of ourselves that we're proud of.

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