Be Eternal

Thursday, April 23, 2009

There some things that you experience once and discard, but there are feelings that will last you a lifetime. You will always remember people with the strongest feeling you've had for them. As time goes on, you may disconnect with them for days, months, years, decades. You might hear things that are going on in their lives, but no matter how much you hear them drowning, in your head, you will always remember them by the happiest moments you've had with them. Their smile, their presence, the warm feeling of comfort and joy.


When I was growing up in China, my parents would often have to work, and I always stayed at my older cousin's house, he was my role model. My uncle was the happiest, funniest guy in the world, and my aunt was the nicest, greatest cook in the world. Throughout my childhood years I had spent countless nights in their place, through rain and sunshine, through lightening storms and typhoons, through the long weeks that my parents were gone on business trips. I will always remember the juvenile pranks my cousins and I pulled, the times we spent building an airplane out of wood, the times that auntie watched over us doing homework with a fly swatter smacking down those annoying bugs. The times that my uncle would read the funny parts of the newspaper out loud and then laugh to himself. Those unforgettable moments will stay in my head as how I would remember them.

I left them when I was ten to come to the United States. Last year, my uncle developed severe depression, but his condition has improved lately. Yesterday, after lunch, my cousin told my uncle that he was going to take a nap. When he awoke from his nap, he found that my uncle had committed suicide.

I could repeat more sentimental feelings here, but I think it's more important for you to understand that you should never take the people around you for granted. Those that gave you love, happiness, and helped you grow up to be the person that you are. Remember them for their best moments, and love them eternally.

Don't take life for granted.