I Want A Shotgun

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's been 2 weeks straight now that my roomate Sam and Chad along with some people from upstairs has been playing that game called Dead or Alive. It's a fighting game. Normally I'm not against playing video games because I do it sometimes to relieve stress. But come on... you're 20 years old, in college, you're spending every night playing a video game that 8 yr olds get tired of in 3 days. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, you, or me having to live with you again next year.

Currently Chad is yelling at the top of his lungs four phrases that he's been repeating for the past 2... 3 hours. These four phrases consists of "OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?", "WHAT THE FUCK! OH THAT IS UNGODLY!!!", "WHAT THE FUCK I KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT THAT SHIT' AND "WHAT THE FUCKKKKK??" do you see any repeats in there? Did I mention what the fuck? I know that they're not gonna read this blog, so I am going to write a bit about them, after all, I think I deserve to after hearing those four phrases for the past 3 hours while trying to type an essay.

I'm not going to criticize them because it really doesn't do any good. But I realized that this has been a real test to my patience and acceptance. I have a seven year old sister, she is more mature than Chad, and she's not even at the stage of loving Hannah Montana yet! I also realized just how much I have grown personally throughout this year, in the beginning of the school year I was just partying and mudding through life, playing video games everyday, not really caring about anything except my own happiness. But I guess all the involvement in my community and the professionalism in my job made me grow up and see more than just what I can do to benefit me and the people I care about, but what I can do to benefit others, even people that I don't have to like. To be honest, there're some real D-bags out there, and I really want to shove a shotgun up their asses, unlubricated, everytime they get on my nerve. But in the end, resolving conflict will always be the route that I choose first. Yeah, at first it doesn't feel like I've done justice for myself and the it seems like I lost the whole situation. But when looking back, I am always glad that I had enough nerve to withstand their stupidity and held that shotgun back.

I think I am able to see how much I have grown this year just by looking at how much I've separated from Chad, I'v decided that he is like a human time capsule, his body grows, but his mind is the same condition as the day whoever put it in his head. What else could explain his constant dependency on others, violent mood swings, addiction to a retarded video game, inability to appreciate any real food, and the tendency to exaggerate everything? You know what he needs? He needs to get his ass to some place like rural India for a year. That'll teach him to grow up. But then again, that's my solution to everyone's problems...