Schoooooool's Out, for Summer! Well... for a month.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Okay, so I said that I would post three times a week. I obviously failed at that this past week because of finals, but now I'm finally done with all my finals and my summer officially begins. Yay! (For all you jealous people out there... suck it!) Oh by the way you guys can finally comment now, so please do! I felt no love for the past few weeks.

So a lot has happened since the last time I wrote, but most notably, I went to do the workshops for some 8th graders at DU this past Saturday. It was a pretty interesting experience, but overall it was very beneficial to me as a workshop presenter to see what kind of crowds I might have to face. And believe me, I thought I could handle 8th graders. I mean, I have a 7 year old sister who use to beat up Mike for fun (that was some funny shit) But I didn't think that little girls could be so bitchy, I thought it only existed in Disney movies! Not only were they disrespectful to whoever was speaking, they didn't want to cooperate with us at all when we needed them to fill out a questionnaire, like what the hell is so hard about filling out a sheet about yourself? It's not like I'm asking you for your life story, I don't want to hear it anyways, judging from you it probably sucks. Haha, am I being too mean? Nah....

Anyways, I was surprised these kids didn't like the idea of pairing a guy to a girl, even the guys yelled out "NOOOOOO!!!!!" I guess their hormones haven't kicked in yet. So I thought it would be funny to pair the bitch to a well mannered boy, I thought I was being clever and wanted them to talk, so the girl might learn something outside of being a pain in the ass. I walked by them 2 minutes later, and the girl was not showing her sheet to the boy, I asked why, she said that she doesn't know him, and she doesn't talk to strangers. While the poor guy shared all this stuff about himself the bitch looked around the room all bored. -_-" I'm about to send her fake birthday party invites to Colfax...

But seriously, I didn't appreciate the maturity level of college until that day. I always thought that a lot of my peers were still so melodramatic and immature, but I guess throughout the years, we've all really have grown up a lot. That was a good realization, but seeing those middle school faces laughing and being kids, I wonder if I am happier now that I'm older. I don't know, what do you guys think? Were you happier as a kid or right now?

P.S. I need to create a piece of art about friendship. Any good ideas?


  • Anonymous says:
    May 6, 2009 at 1:36 AM

    piece about friendship? sketch me. =P kidding. glad to see you posted again! will talk with you after i am less dead.

    <3 your clone.

  • Red Roc says:
    May 7, 2009 at 12:29 AM

    Okay looking forward to that, actually I was thinking about something along those lines, I shall contact you in a few days. =P