Us And Them

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I was fortunate enough to meet Beau Sia and Wong Fu Productions two days ago during Expressions. At first, intimidation overwhelmed me, Beau Sia is one of the best spoken word artists I've seen, and Wong Fu productions are the guys who made all those short films that I attentively watched ever since high school, I mean... they're famous! and they're standing right there! What do I say? How do I talk to them? Would it be awkward if I just started talking to them? Any more questions like those would make me a rabid fan girl, ah who am I kidding... I definitely felt like one.

Due to technical difficulties, Phil, Wes, and Ted were forced to talk until the computer was fixed. This kind of caught them off guard and things were on the verge of being awkward. but Phil said something interesting, he said that Wong Fu Productions is a success not because they were extra special or anything, but just that they were lucky enough to have met each other, and opportunities came to them. I think that is so true for many people who are considered "famous", it's not because they are born extra special, but that they do what they do with a passion, they do what they love and people love them for it.

After the show, we went out to Old Chicago to eat, we got to know Beau Sia better. Damn that dude's got life figured out. Maybe it's his talent for expressing his thoughts, maybe it's smoking too much weed, but he lives life like a poem, a lot is said in what he says, i felt like every sentence he said is an allusion to certain notable points in life. And I think it's admirable to be well known and not crave material possession, or attention, but be on a constant quest of finding oneself and sharing that with others.

But really, in the end, he is also just another person who uses his talent and do what he loves to do and people love him for what he does. So maybe if we all do what we love to do with our greatest passion, we would be able to live the life that we always wanted. After all, we're only ordinary men (and women) who can seize opportunities and do extraordinary things.


  • Anonymous says:
    May 8, 2009 at 5:35 PM

    and refers to my old post

  • Anonymous says:
    May 9, 2009 at 12:34 PM

    that is sooooooooo uber cool. you know you were giggling inside like a fangirl, nick!!! =P

    phil's comment is interesting indeed...when we pursue our passions, we open ourselves up fully and genuinely to the possibility of doing great things. luck is definitely a part of that, i think, but it's not enough by itself.

    <3 your clone

  • Anonymous says:
    May 15, 2009 at 3:16 PM

    I feel like I'm reading my own personal bible when I read your blogs.
