Seele pt. 1

Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's really late but I am wide awake. That Chai latte I had at 9 was a bit too strong.

During one of the conversations I had tonight, the topic of people and desires was brought up. It is amazing that people range so widely in terms of their desires and goals even when they find themselves to be so in common with others. Is the answer simply because we were raised by different influences? Our personalities seem to be shaped dependently by our experiences in life. But is the answer really that simple? I don't think we are all created equal as much as people would like to argue. Yes, people are born more or less a blank canvas that others have the free will to paint on. However, is there something that's innately different within each of us that always guides us in certain directions like a compass? I refuse to believe that if two people who are born and experience the exact same things their entire lives will end up being the exact same person, this is evident with the conjoined twins who have two heads and one body, the two, although similar, share different personalities. Everyone has their personal barriers that others can't intrude. Everyone is innately unique because their identity is that of their own, not anyone else's. So what makes that distinction? Our body, our mind can be destroyed, copied, and manipulated. But our soul, something so intangible that no one can prove to exist, is something that will forever remain distinct and is the definition of our identity. Every culture and religion believes in the idea of the soul, no one can prove the existence of the soul, no one can prove that it exists. Like the idea of god, there's no solid proof that the existence of such a being exists. But that is also the essence of this, something like the soul and god cannot be proven, but no one can satisfactorily prove that they don't exist. The beauty of this is that something that cannot be proven cannot be studied and understood, and therefore, it cannot be manipulated or controlled by humans. The most intricate part of this is that all people know of such things as soul and God, but they cannot understand it. We know of it's existence but cannot tangibly change any of it. It's the law of nature and the law of life.


  • Unknown says:
    August 11, 2009 at 3:08 AM

    this is not quite a comment to your blog, but it's an interesting web site:

    thanks for your thoughts, as always. =) one day i shall call you and we shall talk for hours.