July 4th

Monday, July 5, 2010

Kind of running low on things to say at the moment, there are things I write about that are the over-arching themes to other things on my mind, but those situations are perhaps too personal to share on the web, not that anyone would really care. I might as well upload naked pictures of myself right now and hope that the hitmarks on this site would still be at the teens.

Writing entries here and there have been therapeutic, I know that sometimes the things I write don't really make sense (nor are they grammatically correct), but it's really a release for me. At times there are just too many thoughts in your brain that you start to feel the pressure building up in your head, feel your temperature rising, and your blood just boiling and screaming to be let out. That's when I just furiously put down words and sentences with such carelessness that I neglect the importance of format and content, something I should really work on.

So I've been home for 2 days, and bored to death, I can only study so much. I have been spending the rest of my time watching movies and occasionally catch up with some friends. Through my boredom I did come to notice is that humans are incredibly sentimental creatures. Our brain consists of the primitive parts which control our basic functions - breathing, motor functions, emotions. Then there's the newly evolved portions - the frontal cortex, that control higher order thinking - planning, memory, etc... The interesting thing is that the primitive parts of our brain have direct routes of communication with the newly evolved one, but not vice versa. That is why we can't always consciously control our emotions with logic, creating a constant battle of reason vs. raw, primitive, instincts. What is perhaps a more interesting addition to this formula is the ability for us humans to form memories. We are able to remember the times when we were happy, sad, angry, lonely. It allows us to travel back to that time when we felt those things and relive those experiences. It can bring back the happiness, and also the pain. Makes me think of our species as that awkward transition stage where we're no longer clubbing our women to get laid, but not smart enough to control our emotions with our brains and live life as logical creatures. But I don't know, maybe this constant battle of logic vs. wildness is the more interesting way to live life.

On a lighter note, I never cease to find humor in what is perhaps the greatest literary and movie adaptations of our time (I don't know if Twilight is better or worse than clubbing women's heads... it kind makes me feel like I get clubbed on the head every time I see it though.)